Select Menus

To create a select menu, use the Select component, and pass a list of Option components as children. Use the value prop to set a currently selected value. You can respond to changes in the value via onChangeValue.

import { Button, Option, Select } from "reacord"
import { useState } from "react"

interface FruitSelectProps {
	onConfirm: (choice: string) => void

export function FruitSelect({ onConfirm }: FruitSelectProps) {
	const [value, setValue] = useState<string>()

	return (
				placeholder="choose a fruit"
				<Option value="🍎" />
				<Option value="🍌" />
				<Option value="πŸ’" />
				disabled={value == undefined}
				onClick={() => {
					if (value) onConfirm(value)
const instance = reacord.createChannelMessage(channel).render(
		onConfirm={(value) => {
			instance.render(`you chose ${value}`)

For a multi-select, use the multiple prop, then you can use values and onChangeMultiple to handle multiple values.

interface FruitSelectProps {
	onConfirm: (choices: string[]) => void

export function FruitSelect({ onConfirm }: FruitSelectProps) {
	const [values, setValues] = useState<string[]>([])

	return (
			placeholder="choose a fruit"
			<Option value="🍎" />
			<Option value="🍌" />
			<Option value="πŸ’" />

The Select component accepts a variety of props beyond what’s shown here. See the API reference for more information.